

Volunteer buddy/ coach

Price: 0.01

Location: Temple Terrace Family Baseball Complex

Condition: Seasonal

Volunteer positions available for our players to have someone to be with them during the game play. Games last one hour and we have three sets of games in Saturday line up. We started with 2 teams the first year and we are now at 6 teams going into our 3rd year.  We are growing and need dedicated individuals that work with all types of disabilities. You dont have to have experience, just a heart of service. 

Please go to our home page and register for volunteer and we will get with you as soon as we can. Thank you for your time and considerations in helping during our Fall ball schedule. 

Meet and greet will be November 16th to have the one hour meet and discuss volunteer roles and expectations. Uniforms will be given out and volunteers meet the players. 

First game is November 23rd starting at 10 am.  Last game is February 8th. Full schedule of dates and times will be sent out two weeks before first meeting. Registration is open currently to the public for players. 

Message us with questions. 

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Highlands Hammock State Park

Tue Feb 04, 2025

In this episode we talk to Park Service Specialist Carla Kappmeyer-Sherwin from Highlands Hammock St...

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